Forward From Now

One simple step of obedience to what Jesus says will thrust you forward closer to Him, will cause you to be amazed in His presence, and will move you forward in His great destiny for your life.

Moving forward means you do what God says. You cannot move forward by accident. Moving forward from where you are now takes your willingness and initiative to do what He wants in and through you. Humility precedes obedience to God. An open heart to God is required for you to move forward in obedience. Obedience may not always make sense or may not always feel good, but is priceless.

The bible tells us obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ is the highest calling to God and the greatest expression of loving God and loving people. You cannot move forward and refuse to take steps to obey God. Obedience is proof of your faith and trust in God alone.

Peter knew what he was doing. He was a professional fisherman. He had experience under his belt. He knew the sea, he knew the mechanics of fishing, and he knew the best time to catch fish. Jesus was teaching the word of God, and a multitude pressed in to hear Him.

Jesus saw two boats near the shore; the fishermen were washing their nets. One of those boats belonged to Peter. That was the boat Jesus chose to use. Jesus asked Peter to put the boat out a little from the land so that He could teach the people from the boat.

Then the moment came. Jesus commanded something of Peter personally. He told Peter to launch out into the deep and let down the nets for a catch. Hey, hold on a second! Peter was the professional. Peter knew what he was doing. Peter tried to explain to this Rabbi, “We have toiled all night and caught nothing.” Night time was the best time to fish apparently, and Peter reminded Jesus of this.

On top of that, Peter said that he had worked hard all night and caught nothing. Peter thought to himself, the way we do with God, “This doesn’t make sense. I’m going to do it my way. I’m not moving forward because it’s risky. I’ll look foolish to others. I know better than God in this situation. God’s way is not the best way.”

Peter was wise enough to make an important choice. Luke 5:5 says, “Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net.” Peter simply took a step of faith, listening to the voice of God. He obeyed Jesus’ command. Peter moved forward with that one decision, that one step. What was the result of that obedience? Peter caught so many fish that the nets were breaking and the boats began to sink!

After seeing what God did through his obedience, Peter’s eyes were opened. He realized God stood in front of Him. He and his fishing partners, James and John, were amazed, and Luke 5:11 says they forsook all and followed Jesus from that point forward. Their lives were forever changed, and they moved forward in the destiny God had for them. It just took a step of obedience to the word of God.

What has God been saying to you? What step of obedience will radically change your life and change countless lives around you? Is God saying to take the step to forgive someone? Pray for a marriage? Give generously? Lead a ministry? Confront someone? Call to encourage a brother or sister who is hurting? Start a business? Bring fresh vision to a suffering community? Lay hands on the sick? Start reading the word of God daily?

May you find the freedom of obeying God in the strength and might of the Holy Spirit! Moving forward is action. Moving forward is obedience to the word of God. Obey God and watch God work! You will be amazed. Move forward and do not look back, in Jesus’ name!


1. Praise God for His goodness and faithfulness: Thank Jesus for being an awesome God who desires to bless you abundantly. Thank Him and worship Him for His word.

2. Meditate on these scriptures: Hebrews 11:8; Psalm 1; 1 John 3:18; Galatians 5:1

3. Declare over your life: “I move forward! I obey the word of God!” (Luke 5:5)

4. Move forward: Moving forward is action. Obedience is action. What step of obedience do you need to take? What is God saying to you about the areas below? Write down one verse for each area from God’s word. How does this apply to you personally? Start taking that one step, one day at a time. Surround yourself with strong Christian relationships. Find encouragement and accountability in the local church. You will be amazed at God’s promises and goodness in your life experienced as you obey God and move forward!

Spending time with God
Your relationships with your spouse, children, parents, friends, etc.
Your finances
Your service in the local church
Your employment or education
Your attitudes
Your words
Your thinking